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Annual Construction Summit

Upcoming Event: 2024-03-14 ( 10 months ago )


Upcoming Event: Date 2024-03-14. 10 months ago

17th Annual ICT Summit

The annual ICT Summit is proudly hosted in the home of legends, the Eastern Cape. The summit is described as a powerhouse for Information, Communication and Technology sector gathering. By powerhouse, the event is more than an event; it is where businesses, public sector and individuals meet, network and sell their ideas. The summit further discusses how the sector can bring about change in our society.

The platform is created to strategize on how to position the ICT sector in developing the country, and the rest of the world, and thus provide a platform for innovators to share their innovative ideas. Annually the ICT Summit focuses on different trends within the sector and provides solutions to the country’s challenges. The vast experiences showcased by our speakers are a true reflection that the summit is a platform of discussing and deliberating on matters which needs solutions. Over the years, going into our 17th ICT Summit, the summit has thus succeeded in achieving its mission.

The Summit in its existence has received positive response from delegates, speakers, public and private sectors. Coming from the two year break due to COVID – 19, we are pleased to invite you to our 17th ICT Summit, with our #Mehlo’madala [meaning Long Time No See]. The Annual ICT Summit will award your company with premium business opportunity to network with the elites of the industry, the public sector, and private sector gurus.

Because the summit is described as a powerhouse platform for the sector, we are expecting attendance from ICT bodies: BBBEE ICT Chapter Council, SALGA, The Black IT Forum, Digital Council, GITO Council, and prominent leaders in government departments [both regional and national level]. And because we live in a digital society, we also have role players from the medical industry, as to share with us how ICT can improve our healthcare system.


To discuss issues surrounding the field on a public and private sector scale
To create a network of professionals in the ICT field to engage freely and strategically about new developments in the industry
Business opportunities during network sessions
Provincial discussions on a national platform



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